The Masonic Digital Archives

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association is currently digitizing its duplicate United States Masonic Proceedings Collections from Grand Lodges, Grand Royal Arch Chapters, Grand Cryptic Councils, and Grand Knights Templar Commanderies.

Any organization or individual may renew a collection. To renew a collection, please visit the Digital Archives Annual Renewal Page.

Note: We recommend that you read our instructions on How to Use the Masonic Digital Archives in order to use the resources more effectively. They contain detailed procedures for searching the items contained in the database.


Click Here To See All On-line Collections

Join the Masonic Digital Archive Project

The Memorial Association will digitize U.S. Masonic governing body’s complete annual proceedings collections for $1,000. Offered as a service to the Craft, this flat rate is non-adjustable regardless of the number of books or pages digitized. A $200 annual subscription fee will maintain and update the online collection. The GWMNMA will digitize duplicate proceedings in storage and post them into the Masonic Digital Archives. The Memorial will upload missing proceedings if supplied, and we request two copies of the proceeding to be sent to the Memorial if possible. Once the collection is complete, copies of all annual proceedings PDF files will be given to the Grand Secretary / Recorder of the governing Masonic body.