Association Officers
Thomas K. Sturgeon, President
Scott A. Thomas, First Vice President
Richard J. Elman, Second Vice President
Jon Michael Taylor, Third Vice President
Louis J. Castle, Fourth Vice President
Matthew T. Szramoski, Executive Director
Board of Directors
Term Expires February 22, 2026
Michael P. Bible, A-W Lodge № 22
Richard J. Elman, Indiana
Daniel J. Haugen, North Dakota
Ty G. Treutelaar, Missouri
Timothy S. Wheeland, Ohio
Term Expires February 22, 2027
Steven L. Hall, Idaho
Michael E. Jackson, Illinois
William J. Pogue, New Mexico
Matthew J. Ramey, Wyoming
Thomas K. Sturgeon, Pennsylvania
Barry Suits, Virginia
Theodore C. Wiley, Iowa
Term Expires February 22, 2028
Daniel J. Lawes, Utahn
Donald E. Strehle, Virginia
E. Darren Wilson, Kentucky
James R. Arnhart, Tennessee
Richard J. Bautista, District of Columbia
Timothy J. Best, Oregon
Scott A. Thomas, Arizona