The George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association has made available the United States Masonic Proceedings Collections from Grand Lodges, Grand Royal Arch Chapters, Grand Cryptic Councils, and Grand Knights Templar Commanderies.
This $200 annual subscription fee will maintain and update the online collection of the jurisdiction that you choose. The collection will go live within one week after processing payment and will be active until December 31st of each year.
The annual subscription is due within 60 days of end of the calendar year and may be paid in advance. Jurisdictions who have not renewed by the first of the year will have the associated proceedings removed from public access. The proceedings will become accessible again within one week after the renewal has been processed.
Renewals may be processed by check. Please make the check out to "GWMNMA" with the memo line stating "Digital Archives" and the state and jurisdiction you're renewing. If you have any questions, please contact contact Tyler Vanice, Director of Collections and Member Services.