Celebrate Washington in Your Lodge

October 23, 2023

Celebrate Washington in Your Lodge

The year is coming quickly to a close for many lodges. In the lodge, it is around this time that many are preparing, or at least considering, the change from moving from one office to another. The Master needs to prepare his schedule for the year and fill in the months with activities or educational programs.

One such program your lodge can do next February is the Washington’s Birthday Ceremony for Lodges. This ceremony is written for the purpose of honoring our Illustrious Brother George Washington, and is suitable for performance, with adjustments as needed, in a tiled lodge of any degree. This observance should ideally be performed between Washington’s Birthday (otherwise known as Presidents’ Day) and his actual birthday (February 22nd) but anytime throughout the month is preferrable than not holding it. Washington’s Birthday, more commonly known as Presidents’ Day, is a Federal holiday in the United States, that is celebrated on the third Monday of February, but his actual date of birth is February 22, 1732. Interested in learning more about the history of Presidents’ Day? Then, look no further than this article by Mount Vernon for a brief history.

Please let us know if you have any questions or if your lodge celebrates Washington’s Birthday! We always appreciate knowing what our Society members are up and to share photos of their celebrations.

Also in Society of Washington Lodges Updates

August SWL Update
August SWL Update

August 01, 2023

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