Spurred by the centennial of the founding of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association in 1910, our restoration work at the Memorial began in 2009.
Memorial Conditions Assessment Report completed
Founders Hall exhibit installed
Grand Masonic Hall air conditioned
Disability Ramp installed - South Lodge Room
Security Fencing installed - South Parking Lot
Security/Safety Railing Observation Deck painted
Etched Glass panels installed in Grand Masonic Hall
Elevator landings at the first level removed and elevators lowered to first floor
New Memorial crest created
Lead channel weather guard installed on exterior corners of Memorial tower Phase One
Exterior Wiring and Lighting Phase One Replacement - 5th and 7th levels
Disability Ramp installed Memorial Hall
North Lodge Ante Room/Upper Stage Rooms - Repaired and Painted
Marble and Granite Flooring installed in North Lodge Ante Rooms
Built on Freedom DVD created
Centennial portrait of George Washington commissioned
Tower elevators upgraded to self-service
White House Stones Exhibit installed
Digitization Computer/Server installed
Movable Disability Ramps installed Grand Masonic Hall
Audio-Visual Control Room for Theater constructed
Marble and Granite Flooring installed in South Lodge Ante Rooms
Mosaic Pavement installed in South Lodge Room
New Furniture installed South Lodge Ante Room
Electric Outlets installed North and South first floor hallways
Exterior Delivery Ramp installed Kitchen Entrance
Third Level Murals removed and placed in storage
Third Level demolition and construction completed for Family of Freemasonry Exhibit
Third Level exterior windows replaced
Third Level Restrooms repaired and painted
Third Level Air Conditioners/Heat Pumps installed
Comprehensive long term electrical upgrade to more efficient fixtures and bulbs initiated
Digital IP Telephone System installed
Updated panels for Memorial Displays
Moved electric control from circuit breakers to switches near elevators 4th, 5th, 7th Levels
Theater Stage Steps (movable) constructed and installed
Boilers in Heating Plant replaced
South Entrance - Delivery Ramp installed
Family of Freemasonry Exhibit opened
Front Entrance Sidewalls - Cleaned, Grind out mortar joints and re-mortared
with lime based mortar
Front Entrance Columns and Portico - Power wash and clean
First Level Exterior Ledge and Coping - Cleaned, Grind out mortar joints and re-mortared with lime based mortar
3rd, 5th, & 7th Tower Levels - parapet wall, wall coping and window ledges - Cleaned, Grind out mortar joints, re-mortared with lime based mortar and install lead weather caps
9th Tower Level - Observation Deck - Removed existing exhibit and cases. Installed new flooring, pilaster capitals and exterior doors, casing and trim
South Entrance Landing and Steps - Cleaned, resealed and re-caulked
Memorial Hall Welcome Station - Constructed and installed
George Washington Portrait (Theater) - Raising Mechanism installed
Memorial Server upgraded
Memorial Banner - Designed and fabricated
Memorial Hall Ceiling Alcove - West End - Cleaned, painted and Gold Leaf installed
Theater Ramps Extended and Interior Doors Swing reversed
9th Tower Level Exterior Electric Wiring replaced
11th Tower Level - Pyramid Level - Remove speakers, clean drain channels and remove 2,000 pounds of bird waste
11th Tower Level - Repair and replace louvers, install waterproof membrane, re-grout and reseal stonework, install lead weather caps
9th Tower Level - Created and installed new Memorial Construction Exhibit
Shrine Exhibits Removed from 1st Level North Rooms
Shrine Exhibit Rooms cleaned, repaired, painted and new carpet installed
Carpet on North Lodge Stage stretched and re-glued
Computer Equipment Room Constructed, Server and all equipment moved
Gift Shop expanded and moved to Northwest Room - 1st floor adjacent to North Entrance
Conference Room created on first floor
CCTV Security System Expanded to Gift Shop, Conference Room, North/South Entrances and
Grand opening of Family of Freemasonry Exhibit
North Entrance Alcove and entrance hallways - repaired and painted
Re-controlled the steam heating air handler and 2 cooling fan coils with a digital programmable T-stat for more efficient heating and cooling Gift Shop
Added 9 cameras and 3 power supplies for CCTV Security Monitoring and Recording System
Prepared, Primed, Painted and applied Gold Leaf to East Portico/Main Entrance Fence
Designed & Constructed two (2) portable ramps for Memorial Hall
Remove and re-mortar stone joints at Main Entrance Terrace
Fifth Floor re-configured and equipped for processing museum artifacts
Youth Groups and York Exhibits added to Family of Freemasonry Exhibit
Excavate perimeter of southeast retaining wall to establish reasons for movement of the wall
Remove, re-mortar and install lead weather cap - southeast quadrant of the second level main roof parapet
Remove, re-mortar and install lead weather cap - east section second level parapet adjacent to portico roof
Purchase Lead weather cap for 2nd level main roof parapet
George Washington Bust commissioned and produced
Drainage System for the 1st level terrace around the Memorial replaced, terrace re-graded and seeded
Exterior Light Poles and Fixtures to illuminate East Entrance and Facade installed